I was totally taken by Maschmanns Matmarked in Oslo, Norway last week. Their display of groceries is so simply and yet so beautiful. We stopped in for lunch on a Sunday (yep, they are open on Sundays) and had amazingly yummy pizza. They also had scrumptious looking pastries that I will definitely be taking part in next time.
Next week I start intensive Swedish language classes with the state run SFI. I have been waiting four months to be placed in a school and I am so excited to finally get down to business! I’ve got some basic knowledge from our time at Folkuniversitetet but I’m not conversational or anything. The class will meet every day for five hours a day and, when I feel ready, I can test up to the next level until I complete the school. The whole process should take 6-8 months for me to complete.
One of our New Year’s resolutions this year was to really dig into Swedish life here in Malmö. For me that means becoming full fluent in Swedish is a huge priority. I’ll be dropping my posts here on the blog down to three per week so I will have enough time to focus on my fluency goal. Please check in on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Fridays for new posts and wish me lycka till (good luck)!
// what to do this weekend
read the news in very basic Swedish
freshen up your desktop backgrounds
whip up some yummy desserts
craft up some woven wall hangings