I know, I know. This post is a day later than promised. What can I say!? I got caught up in vacationing.
Yesterday was actually a red day, or bank holiday, here in Sweden. So we worked Monday, took Tuesday off and went back to work on Wednesday. And all this after having Christmas eve and day and New Year’s eve and day off. All I can say is my little American brain is still blown by how well the Swedes holiday. Yesterdays was for Epiphany (or trettondedag jul, thirteenth day of Christmas), and we celebrated by sleeping in then going for a long walk around town.
B and I had a wonderful Christmas week with our Oslo friends. We are so blessed to live so close to them. I mentioned a while ago that they will be having a baby in April. Well, they asked me to help style and plan the little camper’s room! And I am going to be sharing all the planning and design with you guys, too! Next week we’ll start off with the mood board I created and a little bit about inspiration for nurseries and kids’ rooms.
This New Year’s Day also marks our 1 year anniversary of living in Sweden. So it doubly feels like a really great time to reflect and make goals. B and I feel like we’ve just scratched the surface here so we’re calling this next year the year to dig in. Which means taking our Swedish to a higher level, enough to have full conversations at parties (as opposed to what we use it for now, which is mostly to order coffee quickly). It also means exploring our region of Skåne and our city of Malmö more. Skånetrafiken offers a regional bus card for unlimited trips over the summer months which we will be taking advantage of this year for short weekend trips. We’re also going to be paying more attention to street names, which sounds a little silly as a goal. But we’ve lived here a year and it seems like we should be able to give directions using street names instead of vague landmark gestures. So when you visit be sure to ask us which street the best bakery is on.
This year I’ll be continuing my submissions to Minted contests. I’ve really loved creating fabric designs and cards for their site. If your curious, I’ve got all the designs I’ve ever submitted to them on this board on Pinterest and all the ones up for vote (none, right now) on this board. The designs above are from my latest set of submissions, which will be going up for vote soon (I’ll keep you posted). I’m calling them Geometric Net and Southwest Key.
January 6th also marks my 1st blogiversary. I’m pretty happy with the growth and proud of the content so far and I hope you guys are enjoying it, too. I think it’s no surprise that the top 4 posts of this last year are all DIYs (and all are covered in gold or copper), with the IKEA Ekeby Gällö Shelf hack winning by a landslide. I’ve got a few more IKEA hacks up my sleeve for this year along with a whole bunch of smaller DIYs that I hope you’ll like.
// Top 4 most popular blog posts of 2014
(compiled unscientifically from google analytics, Pinterest and Twitter)
Thank you so much for following along and making this an awesome blog year!
[…] am so excited to be sharing this mood board with you guys! I mentioned a while ago that my dear friend, Audrey Camp of The Girl Behind The Red Door, asked me to help design a baby […]